The Market
Why is Bite Lite better than the competitors on the market?
Competitor Analysis - What are other solutions on the market?
Currently, Bite Lite has no direct competitors on the market. However, there are some indirect competitors such as overhead lighting fixtures, dental drill lights and dental curing lights. Some dental drill devices have a small white polarized light right beneath the small metal drill bit. It allows dentists to have a better visual on the teeth they need to drill. This can be especially useful when it comes to drilling molars, which are located further back in the shadowy regions of the mouth. As opposed to relying on overhead lighting, having a light directly attached to the device makes it easier to avoid casting shadows onto the mouth over the area dentists need to drill. While a dental drill light is very useful and can easily be adapted for a dental syringe, it is lacking the green light component that our device uses to increase vasculature visibility in the mouth which is specifically useful for injections.